This takes your Reiki to a higher level, again through a mix of attunement, theoretical learning and practical sessions. At this level you will have an opportunity to send Reiki distantly and work to a greater extent with animals should you wish, although it is highly recommended that you train in Animal Reiki should you wish to offer Reiki to animals.
As for level I you will be asked to complete a required number of Reiki treatments and hours of practice following your training in order to gain adequate experience before offering your services as a Reiki Practitioner to paying customers. We will also discuss practical aspects such as professional indemnity insurance, membership of a professional Reiki association also ways to gain experience and raise awareness of your Reiki service.
In between level I and II, and ongoing afterwards, you are welcome to attend Sue’s regular Reiki shares where you can meet and chat to other people The Reiki Experience has trained, learn and practice new skills, share experiences and enjoy relaxing and fun evenings. The courses do provide a lot of learning but we aim for them above all to be enjoyable and rewarding for everyone…. and Sue is there for you afterwards should you need any support or guidance.
Master Practitioner , Professional Practice and Teacher training are also available
Reiki training by Sue at The Reiki Experience to professional practice level (includes levels I and II) is accredited by the UK Reiki Federation and meets Reiki Council NOS & Core curriculum for CNHC registration.